Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Dream is Complete!!


When Rich's kids were youngsters, Rich and Mike and Anne joined a YMCA program called Indian Guides--many of you may have participated in your younger days as well!  Families in our neighborhood all had kids about the same age, so we formed a "tribe" and took Indian names.  Mike's was Otter Tail and Anne's was Flying Squirrel.  Rich decided on Moose Jaw after the town up in Saskatchewan...the kids laughed and said, "Oh right, Dad, you are as big as a moose and you talk a lot!".  I said, "No, there really is a town by that name!".  I got out the atlas and showed them the town just a bit west of Regina.  I looked at the highway coming down to the western North Dakota border, and to my surprise, the federal highway shield on the US side read "52"!!  I thought, "That couldn't be--US 52 goes right through our town (Winston-Salem, NC) and my first McDonald's is smack on US 52 in Mt. Airy!"  So I traced the highway from western North Dakota to Minot to Fargo to Minneapolis to Rochester to Dubuque, Joliet, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Huntington, Winston-Salem, Darlington, and finally Charleston, SC!!  "Wow!", I thought!  "Think of all the different cultures that road passes through and it is a US highway all the way!"  So the thought popped into my head back then, "One day, I will retire and traverse that highway from Charleston to Moose Jaw."
And now, with the exception of a stretch from Rochester, MN, to St. Cloud, MN, I have completed the dream--I made it to Moose Jaw!!  Hoorah!
Rich completes his dream and gets to Moose Jaw!

Don't know his name, but he is a Big One!!

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